Finding Rest in His Secret Place

As a wife, a mama, business owner, and many other hats I wear, I find myself needing to seek out his resting place. I find myself needing to sit in silence and call on His presence. Just to sit in your presence Lord… wow what it does to me. I am overwhelmed and overstimulated but with you Lord I am still, there is peace and a calmness. Do you have a favorite book or show you crave to watch? That is how it feels to experience His presence… I crave it. I want to stay in it forever. It makes everything so much easier. “By His blood I entered into your dwelling place.” The price has already been paid. This is a FREE gift He has given us.

Psalm 5:3

“At each and every sunrise you will hear my voice as I prepare my sacrifice of prayer to you. Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on the altar and wait for your fire to fall upon my heart.” The Hebrew work for “prepare” is ‘arak, a priestly term for lighting the altar fire, preparing a sacrifice, and laying it out in order upon the altar to be consumed.


What are you laying at the altar? What is an altar to you? What does it mean to lay something down? What does it mean to surrender? What does it mean to find rest in the secret place? What do you think would happen if you sat in His dwelling place each and every day?


Sit in His resting place and dwell there for 10 minutes a day. Write down what took place. Feelings, emotions, physical feelings.

Today’s prayer:

Lord, you have found a dwelling place in me. Thank you for being a Living God. Thank you for living inside of me. Lord, today breathe your fresh fire upon my heart, let me sit still and rest in your dwelling place. Fill me and overflow inside me. When you speak Lord, let my ears be clear from anything not of you. When you move let me move with you. Guide me, lead me, and chase me down. I will chase you down all the days of my life. So today, Lord, I will sit in your resting place and dwell there, with you.

Passages to read:

Psalm 84:1

Psalm 90:1

Psalm 33:14

1 Chronicles 16:27

Leviticus 26:11

Psalm 132:7

Isaiah 32:18

Acts 7:46


The cost of control


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