“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.”

— Psalms 9:1

My name is Courtney Richard, owner and founder of Only Grace. This company started in 2021 after my husband and I had our daughter Alaia. I was searching for my purpose. God gave me a vision to be able to use my gifts for Him. It wasn’t until early 2023 that God fully shifted me from working in the corporate world to fully fulfilling His promise. The things you see have a much greater purpose than just a t-shirt, pillow, journal, etc. This is a declaration of Him. My desire for this business is to sponsor thousands of children in other nations, and to be able to send people to other nations for missions-fully funded by our company. So just know when you are supporting this business you are also helping to support this desire and make it come to fruition.

Check out Only Grace Company featured in The Voyage Magazine to read more in depth about our goals and vision for this company.
