Faith & War

Faith and War.

Feeling alone mama? Feeling drained? Like you have nothing left to give? Your head is barely above water and you are slowly sinking? Fighting the battle between faith and war. I wake up every day and thank the Lord for all He has done. Lord, let me start my day with you, fill me up God. I can’t do this today without you. But as frustration grows through my day… where are you? As i feel alone through the day, where are you? As I start to slowly drown and end up left on the floor crying for you. Where are you? Fighting the battle between faith and war. God says, “Where are you?” Wow… where have I been? Prioritizing everything above you Lord. As i find myself on my knees again now its different. I am sorry Lord. Sorry for putting everything above you, I am sorry for not turning to you when I get mad, frustrated, sad, feeling alone. You are worthy of all of my love. How would it look to turn to him during all times of the day.. not just the morning or night? How would it look to talk to him like you would your husband? Your mother? Your father? Lord I’m sorry I am teetering on the brink of faith and war. Today I walk in Glory.

Today I draw the line between faith and war, and I stand on the side of faith. You deserve all of me Lord not just in the morning or the night… all of me, all the time. Today I draw the line between faith and war. I will choose you every time Lord. I put on my sheild of faith today. I take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. I put my armor on and fight the battle between faith and war.

Today I draw the line between faith and war.


Finding Rest in His Secret Place